100% FREE video player for Windows to play almost any media files.

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Cisdem Video Player is a free video and audio player that supports almost any video and audio formats on Windows, including 1080P, 4K, 5K and 8K videos.

It delivers stunning media playing experience with full playback options, you can play videos in the playlist by order, loop, shuffle or repeat. It can also load embedded subtitles automatically, or you can add external subtitle files easily. Multi soundtrack is also supported to switch between different audio stream. Additionally, it comes with a pro version adding the conversion feature to convert your videos for easy playback on different devices.

Key Features of Cisdem Video Player
1. Play virtually all videos and audios free on Windows.
2. Smoothly play videos in 8K, 5K, 4K, 1080p, etc.
3. Full control over video playback: Play, Pause, Step Forward/Backward, Volume Up/Down, Rotate, Full or Mini Screen, Incognito Mode.
4. Use playlist to play videos in order, also loop, shuffle or repeat the video playing.
5. Remember playlist and playback position.
6. Load embedded subtitles and add external subtitle files, auto associate subtitle files.
7. Support multi soundtrack to switch between different audio stream.
8. Separate playback window, playback controller, playlist.
9. Take screenshot.
10. Pro version allows converting videos.

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